Made no progress on Re5 today, I spent 7 hours playing mercenaries lol...
Finally SS the first map with Chris(BSAA) with a score of 99400 ( sadly PSN had error during that game so I don't think the leaderboard will register that score).
I tried Wesker(midnight) and I can see how people get high score with it but I can't get used to it, it's a highly different strategy than Chris ( Wesker laughs at boss and fear crowds, Chris is the opposite). The think what makes Wesker powerfull ( aside from the magnum 2-shotting bosses) is the Cobra Strike melee attack. Shoot 1 guy in the head and then do it and it can actually kill more than 1 enemy. It's just hard to pull off and kinda slow to head shot/melee non stop...But someone that is pro can probably kill 90% of the zombies with melee with Wesker and achieve a rl high score...