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PS3 + xbox
Even with all this (games,price cuts, ads....) the market is basically unchanged. PS3 last, xbox beating PS3 but competitive, and Wii beating both greatly. The problem, it looks now, is that the bar got lowered since past views.

Wii beating both combined is not shocking, 276k compared to 753k is horrible but compared to what PS3 sells were in the past, this is good. I know people are happy with PS3 sales but I hope Sony is not happy with it, as a business they should want to be more competitive and work harder to that goal. Same can be said about xbox but to a lesser extent.

Good to Wii for maintaining their lead, xbox for growth over past sells, and good for PS3 for SF4 sells and not decreasing much from past sells. But I hope they are not complacent in these sells and try better.