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Rainbird said:

@ bardicverse

I was thinking about getting RE4 at some point, if only because people have been praising the controls so much. But I never played an RE game before, and saying that I'm anticipating RE5 would be an overstatement.

But RE4 is in the category of games I would get if I had the platform anyway, and not a game I would buy a platform for. Along with RE4, I have Super Mario Galaxy and No More Heroes in that category.

RE4 is a good entry point, because it doesnt rely on backstory much at all, and you wont have to deal with the cumbersome controls that the earlier RE games were known for. It WILL make your heart race, a lot. =)

While I know you said you're not much into the Nintendo franchises, I can vouch for Zelda: Twilight Princess. Definitely a good adventure game that tends to be more serious than most of its previous versions. Also, if you hadn't played it on the PS2, might be a good time to check out Okami, another adventure game with an interesting concept.

The Wii makes a good compliment to a HD console, since you can get the best of both worlds that way. I myself have a PC and a Wii, and minus for the rare game or 2, most HD console games make their way to the PC too. Plus there are a lot of PC only games. I have no desire for any other gaming systems in my house at this time, and I think once you get a Wii, you'll be truly content with your purchases too. When your Wii library lacks, you'll fall back onto your PS3. When a new, solid game comes to the Wii, you can switch over to that. Locking yourself away like some virgin princess, married to only one gaming platform is not healthy for a gamer. Diversify =)