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FishyJoe said:
robjoh said:
FishyJoe said:
You have a LOT to learn how much profit is made from a retail game sale. Do some research before you spout numbers or it makes you sound stupid.
That was unnecessery, especially against a mod if you disagre, start with explaining if they don't listen ignore.
If you sell 4 million games for 50 USD you got 200 million in total revenue. You have to remove mayby 10-20 USD for retail and so on. Then you have cost for marketing and so on. If it is sonys report that indicates that they are taking a loss, GoW2 should be a part of the equation simple put that they own that game.


It took me two minutes to do this research.

Why Gears of War cost $60

Art/Design: 25% (about $15)
Programming And Engineering: 20% (about $12)
Retail: 20% ($12)
Console Owner Fee: 11.5% (about $7)
Marketing: 7% (about $4)
Market Development Fund: 5% (about $3)
Manufacturing Costs, Packaging: 5% (about $3)
Licensing: 5% (about $3)
Publisher profit: 1.5% (about $1)
Distributor: 1.5% (about $1)
Corporate Costs (quantitative analysis, management overhead): 0.3% (about 20 cents)
Hardware development costs: 0.05% (less than 3 cents)

You know I was gunna say something about the comment "Do some research before posting because it makes you look dumb" or something like that but im not gunna. Yes I should have researched first but then again I did say "I dunno im sort of confused."  Plus when I said GoW2 I didnt say Gears of War. I dont think Gears 2 is even confirmed let alone out. Anyways once more PS3's are bought there profits will be going up.
