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I hope they do something right for once (sony) like a price drop to 299.99 with this game bundled at launch in like august and dear god a game demo thats more than 10 minutes long like a month before it comes out. And just mabey online play if makes sense kind of like re5 but much better than that.
Don't get me wrong i have had a 60gb since launch 2 days waiting and play it more than my xbox elite but i'm not like most people if sony really wants thier user base to grow they need to start to make online better for dumb people who can only figure out xbox live and get it to sweet spot price like 250 by mabey next febuary with the realse of god of war 3
Sorry off topic some what but I just want sony to sell like microsoft so these type of games come out more often from 3rd partties.