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1. Musou Orochi Z (PS3) - 104,000

2. Resident Evil 5 (PS3) - 62,000 / 382,000

3. Picross (DS) - 38,000

4. Dynasty Warriors: Multi Raid (PSP) - 32,000 / 328,000

5. Mario and Luigi 3 (DS) - 30,000 / 408,000

6. Pikmin 2 (Wii) - 28,000

7. Yakuza 3 (PS3) - 25,000 / 439,000

8. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (BEST) (PSP) 22,000 / 496,000

9. 7th Dragon (DS) - 20,000 / 102,000

10. Wii Fit (Wii) - 19,000 / 3,238,000


外.WeCheer 2000
外.ソニック暗黒 4100
外.ファントムブレイブ 2300

WeCheer (Square Enix) (Wii) - 2,000

Sonic and Black Knight (SEGA) (Wii) - 4,100

Phantom Brave (Nippon Ichi) Wii - 2,300


In other news, Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G passes 3 million!



DSL 9500
DSi 34000
PSP 45000
Wii 19000
PS3 28000
PS2 5200
360 7400