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@ Stickball

What I don't like about Resident Evil 5 So far... (Check my Gamertag 'DMeisterJ', I'm about 1/3 of the way through.)

First off, Sheva is dumb, and more than likely, I do play local co-op with someone, but that's not always possible, so in some instances, I do have to play with an AI partner which is dumb. That is huge. And the dummy wastes ammo.

Second, Tank controls. Yes, RE4 was awesome, yes it had tank controls, but it's time for things to change, and for Capcom to grow with it, mind you, I really do like the game, and Capcom is still CapGod to me, but I hate the tank controls like no other, especially when in a cutscene, they're moving with the guns, but I must be relegated to never move my gun and move at the same time.

Scaryness of the game is pretty much gone, and the game has fully embraced the action part of the game, and at least in the first 1/3 of the game, nothing is scary. Not that it's a bad game, it's fun for what it is, but there has to be a way to keep the game scary, while evolving, since the series was based on scariness.

I'm sure there will be more as time progresses, but those are the top 3 that I have.

Capgod needs to evolve the series past these tank controls. I mean, look at the growth that RPGs have had from PS1 era to this generation. We only have a few turn-based JRPGs, and lots of them are growing from that 3 vs. 3 into more epic battles (TLR), or are going very different in the fighting style (SO4) etc. etc. Capcom needs to fix RE because it's getting stale.