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Let's not play with words: of those only Haze, KZ2 and Resistance are shooters in the common sense (though I'd say that Haze is far from being one of the greatest exclusives).
Uncharted is as much an adventure as a tps, with long sections where you don't fire a single bullet. MGSIV is only a shooter if you want to play it that way, but you can go through it stealthing and CQCing people if you want.
And R&C? Really? If you want to call a "/shooter" any game where you shoot something then Super Mario Galaxy is a platformer/shooter and Mario Kart:Wii is a racer/shooter.

I'm pretty certain that when someone with less penchant for word twisting says that he likes shooters, he's saying that he loves the like of Gears, Killzone 2 and COD, not R&C or MGS. Actually I'm sure that if you sit many shooter fans in front of MGS they'll laugh and scorn its kind of action.

I don't undrestand why trying to deny that catering to that market segment has always been a particular focus of the xbox strategy. It's what worked as a trojan horse for the consoles and XBL service.

PS: in both LBP (with the paintgun addon) and Valkyria Chronicles you shoot things and people.

"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman