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I find it hard to believe SE would push this hard for Sony with the current shape Sony is in. To throw that much money behind a console that's clearly struggling so much wouldn't be a smart business move. Every title from SE announced for the PS3 aside from one DS game?

Could be true, but I don't see why SE would take a chance like that seeing as how consumers have been so hesitant to purchase a PS3. They would be in a much better position to make a decision such as this after the Holiday season where they have a better idea of how hardware sales for the PS3 will go.

I know it's all speculation being a rumor and all, but I just don't see how this could be true. On top of that, where's the FF game that's coming for the Nintendo Wii this year, or early next year? Not a single mention of that? You'd think they'd want to give that some publicity to keep it on the consumers radar.

However, if it is true, bad move for Square.