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averyblund said:
Ok a few thing Sonic Black Knight sucks. It's terrible.

Secondly I did defend GC graphics back in the day, I won't lie. You know why? Because back then that was what differentiated consoles (mostly). They all had decently competent controls, and similar storage, so in the end it came down to games and graphics. For me controls were always number 1, so while I like the nifty graphics, they were less important. When the time to buy a new console came up I was faced by 2 choices. Get better graphics and a new TV, so I could play games the same I had since 1994, or go with decent graphics and get the immersion I had always gotten from my PC but even more enhanced.

The third thing is about being sheep. Some Ninty fans are, just like the other console lamers. However most of us call a spade a spade. We are pissed at the delayed and crappy online, and despite what you said have been since the PS2/Xbox days. We are annoyed with the overpriced constant flow of controllers and accessories. Most of us are unhappy with the number of non-shovelware games, and cash-ins.

The final thing I will say is that from my experience on this site. Ninty fans are far above the others when it comes to honest, polite discourse. Every time I venture into the HD forums it is just and endless supply of trolls and people who can't spell, or compose a post. That in and of itself makes more more likely to associate myself with the Ninty guys.

Listen I love my 360, it provides me with many hours of fun. But Ninty got it right for me, the provided a compelling console with innovation not seen since the Virtual Boy. There is a lot to commend them for taking that leap especailly while all their competitors took the lazy route.

Tsk tsk.

