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What I see is Nintendo caring less and less for gamers, caring more about money, and laugh their asses off when we enter this kind of debates.

Im not trying to change your views of Nintendo. Im trying to make you think about how this gen is going.

Nintendo is the top dog this time around. They print money! Where that lead Sony the past two gens? You have to be stupidly naive to think Nintendo can do no wrong. That it can do no wrong, or that it will never repeat the same mistakes it comited before.

Do I care about how someone thinks of me because I dont go blindly following a company that could care less about my preferences, even if I put my money on them?

Nintendo is working on their old IPs right? I am scheptical at my best days, downright pessimist on the worst ones. I will believe in its QUALITY when those are out. After I got a chance a seeing they working, play and so.

Keep yourselves sleeping. When you notice, Nintendo may be back to third because they repeated past mistakes.

Ps-I forgot....I dont want only old, famous and beloved IPs back. I want FRESH, NEW IPS that are for the core gamers, no Wii_____ series or some bundled, party games.