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I dunno if you're serious or not, but I do have some counter-points.

One, I thought graphics were good enough on PS2, let alone GC/X Box and beyond.

Two, I've only ever like one game that I played online, Diablo 2, and if it weren't for the fact that that there wasn't an easy way to transfer items from one character to another in single player I wouldn't have even played that online.

Three, the wiimote is occasionally fantastic, but I do have to admit I'm waiting for WM+ to make things better. Standard controls, though, don't do anything for me in a lot of games now. I just can't stand to play a tennis or basketball game now knowing what it might be like with good wiimote controls instead, and I'm dying to see a strategy game use them well. I still like my standard controls for RPGs, though.

You do not have the right to never be offended.