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WereKitten said:

There are so many things wrong or not on the point with your comments, that I am at loss for words. You mix up game quality and game sales.

They're the only 2 factors for a game that will move systems, high accolade or high sales, games with high scores don't always sell lots, but a game that sells lots doesn't matter what it scores.

You mix up my personal example with general consderations.

You didn't seem to have a problem emphasising that people buy PS3's mostly for the exclusives, despite the fact it's best selling game is available on multiple systems.

I brought my own case forth as an example against your assumption that exclusives are a minor part of the PS3 library.

Actually that's a fact not an assumption, mathmatically speaking, a vast, vast majority of the PS3's library isn't exclusive, likewise a very small part of it's library, single digit percentage is exclusive. In the overall history of the product, a vast majority of the games sold for it will not be exclusive either.

In _my_  case the exclusives setup plus the hardware features were what made the 360 100% redundant.

Good for you, I can accept that's the case for you a a few others as well, but the sales show that's not really a widespread view is it?

But the multiplatform offer is exactly as strong as the 360's

Perhaps in number, but certainly not quality, or the buy in price for that matter.

if you really think that the average customer is going to enter a shop and decide to buy a 360 instead of a PS3 because in the Eurogamer comparison the shadows were better in RE5

Well give it some credit, it's not just shadows, it's the aliasing, the lower frame rate, muddy textures. Why not? They tend to judge their purchases on reviews, who would really want to pay double the odds for a console with the inferior version?
you've lost touch with what really pushes sales.

Games. Sell. Consoles.
Specifically, a multi-platform game will sell more consoles than a exclusive can..or a number of exclusive for that matter.
As for what the market wants, I seem to remember that last year the PS3 was outselling the 360 up to the point of the price cut.

I seem to remember the 360 outsells the PS3 every year they've both been out.

With your 4 gallons example, are you really trying to say that you think that Capcom's multiplatform engine doesn't perform as well on the PS3 because it maxed out the hardware? Instead of, say, because of relying on a subset of the SDK and not optimizing for the strongly parallelized hardware?

It's certainly reached its limitations, these limitations not limited to Capcom games, these games not limited to games not designed with PS3 in mind. Such a common problem would indicate that the problem is due to inadquacies with the hardware.

I seem to remember that the RE4 port to the PC had really poor lighting. I suppose that the PC hardware couldn't handle the software that the GC could? Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?

Not really, usually to get equivical performence of a console on a PC you usually require a higher spec, look at Assassins Creed or GTAIV.

And i don't want to go through the list of PS3 exclusives, because you're just plain wrong with your evaluation.

You don't have to that's just how it is. It's not just limited to PS3, it's the same with 360 as well. Mathmatically speaking, over 90% of their library aren't exclusive and less than 5% of those that are are actually relevant in selling the system. Halo 3, totally. Viva Pinata? No chance.

Except that for the majority of people no single game will ever be a system seller

It's almost like 100% of the library is the decider. So imagine how favourable it would be to a console that has a 9/10 chance of the game will be multiplatform and you have the best version.

but each exclusive addition to the library tips the scale a little or adds mindshare, until they decide to buy.

And why does it have to be exclusive? It's just as likely to be the best version of a multiplatform game.