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wow, the wiis a fad. the ds is a fad. cell phones are a fad, computers are a fad, cars are a fad, video games are fads, everything technological is a fad. everytime someone doesnt accept or agree with something currently going on, they accuse it of being a fad. all they do is look to the future, instead of looking at now.  guess what, i have played many many many types of wii games that are sequeals and such from last gen games, (shooters, sports games, etc) and ill tell, not only do i think they are better (and most will agree) but they are different to the point of ever getting bored of them. they are alot different in control and such, but you instantly get used to it. its very enjoyable and not a workout, and a better way to game.

 everyone always say things are fads when they dont agree with them. why do we do this? ill tell you why, because, despite this being a technological world and growing fast, people fear change and technology. its true. people fear change, and thats what nintendo did with the wii and DS, they didnt make something brand new, they just fixed what isnt broken, and that scares people. 20 years of video gaming with basic controllers, and now a company tries to change that, and its scary. you dont want to leave behind your way of gaming. well guess what? nintendo isnt trying to abandon that way. The wii can game just like the ps3 and 360, it has the standard buttons. it also has a new way to game, without leaving behind our past. on the contrary, it can download many many classic games, yet all many see is a stick with motion sensitivity. many dont like this change, they fear it. so they crawl in their corner and rock back in forth in the fetal position waiting for it to be over, waiting for the future..that will never come. the world is ever changing, fear is natural. i was highly skeptical of the DS and wii, and thought nintendo was running themselves into the ground... i was wrong in both cases and now own and love a DS lite and love and own a Wii. fear is natural and very very few (if any) are immune to it, but if you are too proud (which many here are) to ultimatly give change a chance then admit to liking it and not let pride prevent you from realizing the true potential, you are doomed to be old people. you will be your grandparents, completly oblivous and outdated in the world of technology, having your 3 year old grandson teaching you how to do simple tasks with technology of some sort.  how can sony and microsoft make a new console that games the exact same way without any new ways and expect to make a new console that is... new. there is such a small window to improve graphics on, and improving online play is more of an opinion whats improved or not. where do they go from here? they do what nintendoes (not necesarily the motion thing, but something new,  or they literally just take themselves out of the gaming world.

A delayed game is good someday, a bad game is bad forever.