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Wii Price Hike "Perfectly Justified"

Unprecedented times set the stage for unprecedented measures.‭ ‬The Nintendo Wii could be the first console in history that will not only have held its launch price for over two years,‭ ‬but actually increase it.

On Wednesday news emerged that Nintendo will raise the Wii’s trade price by around‭ ‬£19‭ ‬per unit.‭ All eyes are now on the retailers, who will either absorb Nintendo's price hike or spread the burden to customers.

Ed Barton,‭ ‬Games Analyst for Screen Digest, believes that regardless of how retailers will react,‭ ‬Nintendo’s reasoning for the price hike is‭ “‬completely sound‭”‬.

‭“‬If you look at the Yen exchange rate over the Pound in the previous year,‭” ‬he says,‭ “‬it has changed by thirty to forty percent.‭” 

“We looked closely at Nintendo’s figures in the last quarter and this exchange rate has absolutely murdered their operating profit.‭”

Barton adds that the raised trade price of the Wii is not only‭ “‬perfectly justified‭”‬,‭ ‬but could perhaps be a sign of things to come:‭ “‬When you look at all the data and financials it wouldn’t surprise me if Nintendo raised the price of Wii Fit.‭ ‬The margin on games hardware and peripherals is a serious problem right now.‭”

The games industry has lived through decades and eras,‭ ‬but this is the first time it has faced a deep rupture in the global financial market‭ – ‬one which no one completely knows how many industries it has stretched through,‭ ‬nor how long it will last.

The biggest question right now is standing at the shop floors of the retailers.‭ ‬Edge has contacted all the‭ ‬UK’s major specialist and non-specialist outlets affected by the matter, to find out how each‭ ‬will address the Wii’s higher trade price.‭ ‬So far the majority have remained silent,‭ ‬with some‭ – ‬quite understandably‭ – ‬admitting they are‭ “‬still digesting‭” ‬the announcement and‭ “‬need more time‭” ‬to evaluate how to deal with it.

Barton,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬believes that there’s a chance the specialist and non-specialist retail outlets will approach the issue differently.‭

“I suspect that non-specialists,‭ ‬in particular the large supermarkets,‭ ‬will just swallow the margin head,‭ ‬simply to get the footfall.‭”

Yet if the superstores hold the price of the Wii,‭ ‬a big question looms over whether the specialist retail outlets can follow suit.‭ ‬Barton suggests that the‭ ‬UK’s superstores are‭ “‬financially better positioned‭” ‬to take a hit,‭ ‬yet the specialist chains may not be able to absorb the price hike.

‭“‬I think that one thing we need to keep in mind is the practicalities.‭ ‬I mean,‭ ‬games consoles are relatively large items,‭ ‬these aren’t the cheapest things to be keeping in store rooms and moving around the country.‭ ‬So I think we’re going to see a great deal of pressure on specialists.‭”

“For all the‭ ‬UK retail industry,‭ ‬an‭ ‬£18‭-19 ‬climb in trade prices will be enough to wipe out the margins completely,‭” ‬Barton adds.‭ “‬System sales are never usually the best thing for specialist retailers anyway,‭ ‬in terms of margins,‭ ‬but at least the retailer has that icing where customers tend to pick up other products with the consoles.‭”

Yet if the superstores sell the Wii at a markedly lower price than its competition, the specialist retail outlets may be about to lose a key loss-leader.
