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There are a few things that annoy me:

  1. South Dakota
  2. Tyra Banks
  3. People who don't use turn signals
  4. People who turn or change lanes and then use turn signals
  5. Goth/emo kids

All those thing raise my blood pressure, but lately there's another thing that has been added to my early death list: people who type M$.

It was midly amusing the first time I saw and then it got old.  Years after that point someone sees someone else do it and decides they can be funny and clever too.  Years after that, the "joke" has only gotten more stale and tools are still thinking it's incredibly clever to type M$.


It doesn't make you seem clever.  It doesn't make you sound smart.  It doesn't make you sound funny.  It only makes you look like a giant tool.

Seriously, every time I see someone type M$ seriously I lose every ounce of respect for them and I cannot take anything they say seriously.  Saying M$ in any argument is pretty much an automatic lose card and you fail at life.

And this isn't some defending the 360, Windows, or Microsoft thread, I don't really care about all three and I don't care if people badmouth any of those.  I just hate it when people type M$ because it shows off just how much of an incompetent tool they are.