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sieanr said:
MikeB said:
@ starcraft

The other posts have already pointed out the many errors in your post, not to mention the lack of any credible sources to back your ideas.

Well, I have heard IBM technical specialists and discussed topics with PS3 developers. What more credible source do you need, Bill Gates or John Carmack (of Doom can't be done Amiga, yet currently runs on much older Amigas than past PCs can run today, ever since the release of Doom's source code - fame)?

I don't claim to know it all, but it's not as if I am a total noob regarding technology myself. Here a pic of me performing a tech demo for TV channel 3Sat:

You're comparison between the RAM speed in the 360 and PS3 says differently



 Those 3 people in the photo work for

That explains the thread.

The reason the price is high is Blu ray. Nothing else.

Sony have a track record for over exageration, and under acheiving.

EMOTION ENGINE? Toy Story graphics Sony said.

OH how the blind are lead.

Let the games do the talking over the next 5 years.

People will be upset they put faith in PR talk.