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rocketpig said:
I think those numbers are rather saddening. Not from the "we need teh religion!!!1!" standpoint (since I'm an Agnostic myself), but just from the disenfranchised nature of modern humanity. There is no collectivity, just a random group of individuals who happen to coexist in the same space.

While I appreciate humanity's movement toward "progress" (whatever the fuck that may mean), there is a certain romanticism that is lost by everyone standing on their own island, distanced from the world.


You know, there are other things that binds us besides religion. According to your view, America never was united anyway (since different faiths have lived there for centuries now.)

Rubang, I'd suggest you look up the documentary "Religulous". (I hope I spelled that right). Bill Mayer's own crusade against all faiths. It's a bit of a Micheal Moore editing things out of context documentary but at least it's hilarious. Mayer also made the same statement - non-religious people where at 16 percent in his documentary and indeed eclipse a lot of other groups who do have lobbies (he also mentions blacks and the NRA for example)

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