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madskillz said:
@ Yana - thanks for your response.

Here's the definition of both words:

Main Entry:
so·cial·ism Listen to the pronunciation of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods2 a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

and communism

Main Entry:
com·mu·nism Listen to the pronunciation of communism
ˈkäm-yə-ˌni-zəm, -yü-
French communisme, from commun common

1 a: a theory advocating elimination of private property b: a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed2capitalized a: a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics b: a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production c: a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably d: communist systems collectively

I hate to think that a lot of folks are listening to Rush and Hannity and not doing research for themselves.

A lot of people would argue that one.  Of course anyone who advocates different tax brackets is a socialist in this regard.