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MikeB said:
Lost tears of Kain said:

Yes i agree here Mike, and im not going to argue tech crap.

But i rarely see people bashing the ps3 on technica standpoint (except the blue ray trojan horse move), people mostly bash it for its price and games, which i guess, the price is from the technical standpoint

There is no doubt the ps3 is superior, just you stated almost EVERYTHING that the ps3 is superior, i would of liked to hear how maybe how the 360 has better this blah blah etc

Many XBox 360 fans do criticize the PS3 from a technical standpoint, sometimes fueled by Microsoft PR with claims Blu Ray is of no benefit to game developers or 1080p gaming wouldn´t be possible, etc.

With regard to games I already own more games than I have time to play currently, of my PS2 games I so far only finished Ape Escape 2 and God of War 1, I and my girlfriend earned a golden ducky in Super RubaDub, completed Resistance Fall of Man (still play online every now and then) and I´m in the top 100 of Super Stardust HD (very impressive game, visually especially stunning at 1080p but looks great on a PAL TV as well). People are already playing a Ratchet & Clank Future demo, that´s actually my most anticipated PS3 game for the year.

Hopefully these rumours are true for the coming holidays, however I would rather go for the 80 GB model (at least the 60GB HD was quite a bit faster than the 60 GB model, probably the 40 GB model would be without WiFi and card readers, IMO well worth the extra bucks if this would be so). I´ll be checking this thread again tomorrow.

  • $499.99 for the 80GB Playstation 3, currently $599.99
  • $399.99 for the 40GB Playstation 3, currently nonexistent

    I agree the ps3 is a fantastic deal with how advanced it is, but again it comes down to it wont be Unless blue ray wins, if not your out a player ~-~. BUt still with everything else, when you know the company is losing money on each sold you know its a good deal


                     With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

    Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

    Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

    Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

    Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.