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Whoa! I'm not reading that!! But I did read a little bit and I am telling you you're WRONG about the machine's processors.


The 8th SPE in the PS3 is NOT disabled by default. It is a REDUNDANCY backup which means it is REDUNDANTLY checking the work of the other processors in case an error is made. It would then fix the error and send the data along to the next channel. So it is in fact, working and not disabled however since it is not processing any new information most people consider the other 7 processors the true measure of the machine's output.


The 360's triple core Power PC processor: each core is HYPER-THREADED essentially giving you 6 CPUs. Yea, ok I know they're not TRUE CPUs but it does do wonders to reaching the processors' max output. Deny this all you want but.... it SIGNIFICANTLY improves performance!!


It's really too bad that most people dont know as much as I do otherwise we'd have facts from the start instead of fanboy-ish speculation.

Metalcore, Hardcore, Punk, Emo, Rock.