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I have been thinking about the first post in this thread and I realise that I want Wii, but I do love complex games. I am coming from turnbased pc-strategi, I spend 2 years playing Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri (SMAC), lerning everything. Tyring new strategies, modding and more. Then I jump and bought myself a Cube, I still play some civilization or SMAC but most of the time I play on my consol. Reason? It is very simple to know if the game you bought will work. You don't need to install a lot of shit and it just works. So the origional assumption that Wii owners just want simple games is at least from my point of view not true, of course I do think Wii is attracting more then one typ of person.



Buy it and pray to the gods of Sigs: Naznatips!