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halogamer1989 said:
akuma587 said:
halogamer1989 said:
@ That guy: I agree with letting some institutions fail--that is standard free market cycle. Also, I think the car companies should not be nationalized (they are starting to natlz them now). I also agree w/ the tax cuts and student loan credits in the Stimulus package. What I don't like is wasteful bs like $96,000 for a two man doorbell job and $3 mil for field mice studies. That is just traitorous.

You know that many medical breakthroughs are made researching on mice right?  And the scientific research industry has been particularly hard hit by the recession right?


Lets do finance first, followed by infrastructure.  Mickey Mouse testing can wait.  Edit: They are not hurting, they only seem to be to get more research grants and gov't help.  All science should be done w/ free market principles and the gov't should not be involved.


So let the pharmaceutical industry do all of the medical research?  The same pharmaceutical industry that makes more money by only treating the illnesses than they would than by actually curing them?


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