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Hi all!

Yesterday i got tired of Windows for the last time!
I mean, i do a clean install every month and i don't understand
why do windows "slow down" so much after some time....
I click on Firefox and wait like 2 minutes for fu....g browser to open...

So, my friend is using Ubuntu for some time and has been praying the
system ever since he installed it.

I have to agree... I'm so astonished by it i decided to post my happines and share
it with you all.....

Install was super fast, everything configured right out of the box.......
I just installed my wireless and printer and that was easy, just typed
a few commands and voila.........

For every program i used under Windows i found a equally good or better
substitude under Linux and all for free of charge....

And people in Linux community are more than happy to help if a newbie
doesn't know how to get started!

All in all 9.5/10.... YEA.... LINUX ROCKS!