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akuma587 said:
TheRealMafoo said:


And this is why the trillions that Bush and Obama gave away are the absolute worst idea's posable.

We are sinking ever faster, and spending money is doing nothing but prolonging the pain.

I bitched about it when Bush did it, I bitched about it when Obama did it, and I will bitch about it when the next one happens.

How do such stupid people get into office?

So you honestly think we would have been in a better position now if the government had done nothing and let the financial institutions fail on a massive scale?  Even Bush and Cheney were smarter than that.  Cheney even said that it would be the dumbest thing they could do to be another Herbert Hoover.

I don't think you understand how destabilized an economy becomes when banks and financial institutions fail on a massive scale.  Its a one way ticket to a depression.  Just because you have a knee jerk reaction to the government spending money does not mean that you actually know what is best for the economy.


Yes, it's a one way fast track to the bottom. What's going to take us 3 years to get to, and 10 years to get out of would have taken us 6 months to get to, and 5 years to get out of.

We are not stopping the banks from failing. They are failing. We are just prolonging the problem. The issue with failed mortgages as just started, it has not come close to ending. Every time we decide to just print trillions of dollars, we reduce the value of all the money out there. Suddenly the trillion China in essence loaned us, is worth less when we give it back. Not a good deal for China. If we keep it up, they will stop buying our money. Once other countries stop buying dollars from the US, we are fucked.

I didn't say if, I said when it happens. It will happen. Now it's just going to happen with what will most likely be a 5 trillion dollars price tag of money pissed away with absolutely no return.

It's like having a gambling debt, and thinking the way out of it is to gable more. The only way you can afford to keep gambling, is a rich relative keeps feeding you money. One day, they say no, and you now owe twice as much as you did in the first place. That is the perfect analogy to what the US is doing with the economy right now.

Ironically, the only thing that can keep countries buying a little longer, is this massive military might we own. It's like if a 90 pound starving guy came up to you, and said “loan me 10 bucks, or I don't know what I will do” as apposed to a crazed ex football player. Who are you most likely to loan 10 bucks to? I know who it is the first time... after 20 times, you probably will take the rick of getting your ass kicked.