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MikeB said:
@ Caey

The console with the most GigaFlops turns out to be the Giantic Flop...

Comparing the data, then the XBox 360 was a gigantic Flop last year as well. Honestly we are so early in this generation, the most anticipated PS3 games haven't even been released yet. The PS2 won last year and chirstmas with convincing numbers and is still doing well. If you put the PS2 and PS3 global sales figures together Sony is still performing very well within the market of home consoles (the overall market seems to be expanding compared to last year).

You have to look at what the expectations are from the manufacturer that puts a product on the market, products like Zune are just there to counter apple a bit but sells not enough. But microsoft will keep on introducing new models untill they have a decent market share, m-maybe 10-15%.
Microsoft did the same with the XBox, it wasn't made to conquer the market, it was made to introduce a new player into the market. Now they already have a 40%marketshare, that brings microsoft from a point where they expected to make a loss for 10-15 years to a point where they will are almost making profit. Thats what i call succes.
If you look at the PS3 it was meant to have a install base from where Sony could distribute media to consumers, it was meant to do so with Blue-Ray drives and online services. But you need a large install base to do so and so they took the PS3 to expand Sony's future possibilities. Now we end up with a firm that can't expand any more in the electronics market, even shrinks, has to lay off employees etc. So now they even have to do insurances to attract investors that already left.
The PS3 has indeed future potential but saying that it will meet up initial expectations is just insane. And no GigaFlop more or less will make the difference.

And beware of comparing to yestreday's data to predict the future, the world today is more mobile then ever, people will quickly Google product names and brands and it won't take long to end up on a Halo or Wii site. I don't know if thats fair or not, but thats how the market works. If you want to change that you can create your own planet with different economic rules or keep posting how good the PS3 really is and have consumers buy the thing. Yet i don't know if starting about bandwith issues and gigaflops will make people buy it, let alone be interested in the product.