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HanzoTheRazor said:
Ail said:
HanzoTheRazor said:
2 Plt's for me this week, Fallout 3 and The Eye Of Judgment. TEOJ was so bloody hard, too! On to some easy Plt's now.


Try Warhawk or Battlefield Bad Company, those are really pushovers


Actually, I was thinking about what u said. WarHawk, R2, Kz2, Bad Company, and Bond are not really hard games. They just require a lot of time. On the other hand, Mirror's Edge, Sonic Unleashed, Aquanauts Holiday, Wipeout HD and The Eye Of Judgement are physically hard games to complete.

Agreed, although you can cheat for EoJ ( have a whole deck and pick the card you want each time) and some of the Warhawk medals are actually really hard if noone helps you..


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !