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That Guy said:
Look, I'm not lobbying for the all out cut off of all military funding immediately, but i believe an reduction in spending is due. I said a number like 20% would be sufficient. Hey, instead of keeping 250,000 troops active, why not reduce that to 200,000 instead?

Instead of getting the F22 out this year, lets reduce some spending on the R+D on that; it will delay the project a little so it might come out next year instead.

That seems like the complete backwords thing to do when trying to stimulate the economy.  If anything it should be argued that we should increase production when it comes to replacing our outdated planes and ships.  Do stuff we were going to do down the line now early to spur production.

The F22 is already out though... we've got some made... other countries actually want to buy them.   We had them made with the Promise we'd buy 700+ and instead have decided to purchase only like... 128.  which really hurts Lockheed and Boeing.