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theRepublic said:
Kasz216 said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
Military spending is a huge problem: these guys can wrap their blunders in tight layers of "national security secrecy" and red tape.

And if you attempt to cut there, the opposition will just use it as an electoral weapon. It's disgusting.


And technological advancements, job creation, exporting... as weapons are a fairly big US export... and the more advanced we get, the more we can sell off other weapons.

We've got something like dang near half of the arms market cornered... and this is despite the fact that we don't sell our newest stuff.

Also this is just the legal recorded numbers.

This is disgusting, in my opinion.  The US should not be in the business of exporting war machines.  We even claim to be trying to keep world peace.

If we didn't sell our weapons, we would slow the need for new and better weapons.

I don't disagree.  Just stating the simple facts of the situation.

As it's said.

"God give me serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change the things i can, and wisdom to know the difference."

It's no different a statement then saying that abortions are a good thing for society because they reduce the number of poor and unwanted children.

Nobody is pro abortion. (well few)  Most people would perfer a world where people were actually responsible with sex.  However given that it can't be changed...

You go where the data points.