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I didn't say 5 trillion in stealth technology. And if I did, I really meant 5 trillion in aggregate Military Spending.

Its still a big moneyhole if you ask me. When your navy is larger than the next 13 countries COMBINED, and 11 of those countries are ALLIES, then you have to ask yourself if enough is enough.

I don't buy your "we can sell off our old weapons" argument either. Lets just proliferate MORE guns into the world! And I don't see that as economical either. Its much akin to trading in 3 used games for 1 new game at Gamestop.

Look, I don't want to see anyone needlessly dying either, but I think there are other ways of staying safe rather than throwing more and more money into a situation.

@jv, don't mind what Mafoo says. "Socialist" is just Mafoo's way of calling us a "fanboy" or a "marioboy." That's just the first thing he goes to when someone doesn't agree with him.