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The reason I asked if you had read the thread was because your points were all issues I had already addressed, and I felt that if you had read the thread you would have at least responded to the points I had already raised in response to others holding your position. At the risk of being rude I must say I am not sure you have read the thread yet still, but if you haven't please read it before you post again, or at least read all of my posts as I think they can provide some insight into my thinking and answer some of your questions.

I have to say I take issue with this idea that the PS3 cannot attain a price point of $400 on at least one SKU in the foreseeable future, but that debate is for another thread I suppose. For now suffice it to say that example is not entirely out of the realm of possibility and so I have no issue with it as there are scenarios that within a year I can see bringing the PS3 price down to that level or near it.

Which brings me to my point once again, this has nothing to do with reasonable hypothetical future situations. It actually is primarly focused at the unreasonable past hypotheticals. We actually get a lot of unreasonable future hypotheticals on this site and I take no issue with them because 99% of them are in relevant threads where the idea is to make a future prediction and often times people factor their beliefs on price points into that equation. Aside from being on topic they are talking about the future which nobody has an answer to yet, where as with this particular idea we are discussing people are usually daydreaming in the midst of a conversation about how the consoles are selling now...not in the past...not "IF" this or "IF" that....but right here, right now, in reality.

I have yet to hear a single compelling reason that this sort of thing should be left to fester.

To Each Man, Responsibility