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MikeB said:
@ sieanr

Is this a fucking joke?

No, it's not. This was told to me by IBM technical experts. I have been to IBM presentations.

Note IBM produces both Xenon and Cell chips. I understand you may not like the facts if you are a XBox 360 fan...

Hmmmph... IBM engineers. IBM doesn't even own the rights to the 360 chip, MS owns it (though IBM designed it).

Cell is also IBM's new baby. Of course the engineers aren't going to talk up their new pet project that the company has billions invested in.

Seriously, just give up. You're just trying to show the 360 in every negative light possible. There's absolutely nothing objective about this thread or any of your posts in it.

It's threads like this one that make me want to hate the PS3, even though I own one. The stupid fanboy ratio in the Sony camp is off the charts compared to MS or Nintendo owners.

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