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Akuma is right about you guys.

3 million is WAY too much to save a wetland field mouse.

But 5 trillion over the past what 5 years is what we need in order to stay like ~5 generations ahead of the enemy in stealth fighter technology!

We could stand to cut just 20% of that; and we save what, 1 TRILLION dollars over the next 5 years? That covers the entire stimulus package right there!



I mean seriously, the military spending pie chart looks a LOT like nintendo's marketshare in the videogame market (and Europe looks like PS3, lol); but I digress.


The united states almost spends more than everyone else in the world COMBINED. They spend 6 times more than the 2nd highest military, China. I'm not saying do anything drastic here, but I think the nation will survive if they only outspent their next highest superpower only by a factor of 4 or 5 instead of 6.

Why do we justify these HUGE defense budgets while at the same time domestic stuff like intrastructure (i.e. the Bridge in Minnesota, or the Levies in New Orleans) or Healthcare constantly get ignored until a disaster happens?