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jv103 said:
The F-22 is a fighter, the B-2 is a bomber (Hence F and B). Why would you reduce the bombing capabilities by replacing bombers with fighters?

Not to mention there are only like... 20 B2's out there.

Though popularised and the most well known bomber today... even more then the B52... we don't really use it.

Besides which I thought they were all being assigned to that new military department.  That's like the Airforce... except nukes.

Talk about giving one guy too much power.  Giving one general command of all our nuclear arsenal.

Maybe he meant in terms of the jobs it's saving?  That which used to make the B2 are being shifted to the F22 therefore jobs it creates is decepitive because it's saving already existing jobs?ll them... to anybody.  Plenty of foriegn governments... friendly ones at that would love to get their hands on them.

Before the economic crisis countries like Japan were lobbying the US to lift the ban on them.

F22's are light on the fuel... for Jet Fighters.  Which makes them heavy on fuel, but if your going to fly em.  They're the ones to fly.

The thing about weapons are... deadly weapons are always an easy sell.  People always want to ugrade to the newest best way to kill people that want to kill them.

The same can't be said for things like alternantive fuels and other systems.

Heck, look at hospitals.  They've had the technology to greatly reduce patient deaths by replacing their paper files with computerized ones allowing doctors to confrence and give second opinions from miles away... a practice that has been shown to work amazingly and cut down on costs.

Yet hospitals don't want to go through the trouble to upgrade to save lives due to the cost and being set in their ways.