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akuma587 said:
I don't really see how you guys can complain about fiscal responsibility if you think the current amount of money we spend on the military is just fine. Being fiscally responsible means cutting programs that you like as well. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Its really easy to be fiscally responsible when the things you don't like are on the chopping block. Its much harder to be fiscally responsible when you have to give up something yourself.

Who said that?  We should actually be spending more on the military short term.... and less long term.

Short term military spending is a great way to boost things up.  We should increase our spending to replace and modernize our military stock now... and spend less on it later.   Buy replacements for all the stock we've wasted in Afgahnistan and Iraq. 

We're low on military power cause we don't have enough troops right?  Lets increase our troop goals.  Make some special recuritments on a 2-3 year run.  Train them for special jobs... and then cut them lose 3 years later with better job training.

The military when it comes to nondeployment is great for short term stimulus that leaves us with longterm benifits.