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I am a senior in high school, and I will be attending college next fall. It is a fairly small private college, and a large percentage of people who attend the college are Christian. I am not at all opposed to others drinking, and I am fine with people drinking around me. I am fine with parties and I like them. I don't really like being around smokers but they are OK if they aren't smoking cigs near me becuase I have asthma and it makes me sick.

Will I be able to have a good social life in college if I elect not to drink? All most of my friends now do not drink. I go to a few parties, and I enjoy them but I don't have very much partying experience. Will I be rejected from parties/pressured into drinking if I attend but don't drink?

I also wanted to join a fraternity. Is there usually one fraterntiy per college, especially a college that has alot of Christians (but isn't explicitly a "christian" school) that isn't that big on drinking? Is it possible not to drink, or is drinking pretty much mandatory for joining a frat?

I have a number of reasons why I really have 0 desire to drink. One reason is that I am allergic to everything but hard liquor and wine due to a wheat allergy. There is also alcholism in my faimly, although no one in my immidiate family has alchol problems. I also knew someone who was an alcholic and died and it made me not want to drink. I also have a fairly addictive personality of whatever it is called. I tend to want to do one thing for a long period of time and do it really well. I almost seem to get addicted to a website, or a video game, or studying a particular subject ect. (I don't have OCD though) I would think that my tendancy for me to focus on one thing combined with alcholism in the family combined with my ability to only drink hard liqour plus the fact that I mostly play video games to put off problems (mostly procrastination of work I don't want to do though) would spell disaster for me. So please don't try to talk me into drinking.

Thanks alot for helping me out! I am pretty worried about this.