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Ail has a point in that Nintendo fail to sell 3rd parties on the Wii's potential. Ubisoft being one lone notable exception at launch.

Also Factor 5 said they wanted to develop for Wii but Nintendo didn't decide on graphical ability until late and by that time Factor 5 had already started HD development. So in a way, Nintendo is partly to blame for F5's demise.

However, prior to launch the opinion of the masses, from developers to analysts to VGChartzers (myself excluded) was that Wii was going to fail, then it was just a fad, a bubble... a... oh crap, it's the market leader!

Nintendo may have failed to convince 3rd parties initially but it wasn't through lack of effort. It was because those 3rd parties lacked vision, and then stubbornly stuck their heads in the sand refusing to read the writing on the wall. And, in that, we blame them.