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And I'm done. 6 Hours and 25 minutes it took the whole game. So yes it's short but I loved it.

-4th chapter was overall the second weakest chapter after the first.

-The 5th and last chapter is the best in the game, beating out the 3rd chapter.

-There is a pretty big difficulty leap in the 4th chapter compared to the parts of the game before it.

-The last two boss fights are the most challenging and best overall in the game. The final boss takes like 20 minutes to beat.

-Died twice on each of the last two bosses.

-Failed parts twice in the last level and had to repeat them.

-The last boss fight is better than the last boss fights of both God of War games, but not as good as some of the other boss fights in those games.

- The 4th chapter was too short and felt unimpressive compared to the others. The 4th boss at the end of the chapter is the first challenging boss of the game and it's a boss you've faced befor returning much stronger.

- The 5th chapter is absolutely amazing. Unbelievably good last chapter in the game. You kill somewhere between 1000 and 1500 people in the last chapter between canon shooting parts and hand to hand combat and that's not an exaggerated number.

- The final boss was the best boss in the game,cool fight but I wish the different parts of the fight were more different :P

- A good ending to the story, won't spoil it for anyone but the story ends in a satisfying and good way.

- Forgot to mention before that the game has this system where it acumulates every time you hit enemies and it adds up and based on that accumulation you unlock extra content like art and more combos as you go. Also, there is a 129 part thing that you gather (I couldn't complete that on my first run through the game) and I dunno what the final reward is but there are three objectives and requirements in each part of each chapter that you complete to get those and they also unlock art.

- I am 110% sure I'll be playing the game again and try to get those objectives I missed and stuff and obviously play through it better.

- If all the chapters were as good as the 3rd and 5th, I would have given the game a 9.5/10, but as it stands it's more like a 9.2/10. My favorite PS3 game so far.

- The whole last chapter was really fitting and really out there for the game. Maybe the most epic level I have ever played (as in the size and scope of it).

- I admit that I want more of it to play now :P will probably replay it not too long from now (but I do have other games I still haven't played through).

- Also the game has only one difficulty until you beat the game then you unlock hell mode which is the higher difficulty so that should take care of the 'easiness' of most of the game for the next time I play. The last boss was actually good in another way, in that there were no health pots around in the fight, making it tougher. I wish they had done this with all the boss fights because it's a lot funner and more challenging that way.

If anyone is wondering about any other questions ask away, I think I covered everything I wanted to cover in the impressions.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!