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consoloid said:

While playing it, I keept thinking I forgot to take out the zoom, but I wasnt even using it, then I realised that everthing is "zoomed" in or set closer than your standard shooter

=> the standard sight in K2 is so close up, like a pistol zoom in other games

it's a good trick, that gives you the impression everythings bigger and you get the feeling of being right in the mits of everything, imagine GOW2 zoomed in a bit, with all its details....

I suggest you watch the folowing videos in fullscreen, it gives a sentation of bigger and "zoomed" in...



(they're two small vidoes one after the other, watch them fullsreen to get the K2 feeling (bigger'n closer), dont forget, while playing this on the 360, its absoluty fluid at 60 f/sec and no tearing)


(this is cool to, but it cooler somehow, because everthings a bit bigger, the screen and the "zoom" feeling, all the action is done somehow "close up", but its never at 60 f/sec)


(I put two videos of GOW2, because I couldnt find any other Videos in good qaulatiy and with mass enemies, they exist in the game, but not as good quality videos, again watch in in fullscreen, and imagine it a bit zoomed in, a bit close up and colser to the enemies and guns...)

K2 has some bettet animations and mor polygons in the backrounds than COD4 and evethings bigger but closer, COD4 has more colors and is more fluid and has bigger areas (and vegetion), GOW2 is a mix of bothe, but more details, much more details in the texters, and has more colors, when I show all three games to my sister, she said GOW2 looked by far the best and K2 the worst, I know that technically K2 seems to be for some of you the non plus ultra, but it lakes the fluid 60 F/sec of COD4 and the details of textur of GOW2 (even Unreal T 3 looks better than K2 if you ask me, just by the looks..technical physics and some animations dont make a game overall look better inless thats all what you want to see)

=> each game had to save "some GPU or CPU Power" in some places to have some more power and effects in other places

but saying that K2 looks like the best console shooter ever is wrong, it's technically good, but as flaws wich the others dont have and strenghts the others dont have

That was some of the biggest pieces of falsehoods to defile my eyes in a while.

Here is a behind the scenes developer walk-through of what resources are being used on the PS3 for Killzone 2.  One of the things he talks about is  how the ENTIRE city is STILL being rendered during the E3 2007 cut-scenes WITH troops and their AI fighting it out on the ground!  The dev kit shows ALL the RAM, SPU, GPU, and CPU usage for the scene.  It's VERY impressive.