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@ Words Of Wisdom

Lets spin your example the other way: The 360 is so amazing that someone would repurchase it 9 times to have that gaming experience. 10 purchases in all. Must be one heck of a system to warrent such unbelievable loyalty. I bet the Wii/PS3 has nothing on that.

The details of the example haven't changed, but there's a different bias in the wording. Once again, you focus purely on the negative details refusing to look at the other side.

One problem though with your example, I don't think any of them bought 10 or more XBox 360s, they received refurbished or new units as replacements for failed units.

I think at least when we speak specifically with regard to reliability having broken 10 XBox 360s is bad, I agree that many XBox 360 try to divert such topics off topic by pointing out that some of these people are still loyal XBox 360 fans. I guess most people will give up much earlier after breaking just a couple of consoles.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales