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MaxwellGT2000 said:
SpartanFX said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
The fact that the article talks about Call of Duty when everyone says "It's not Call of Duty" makes me giggle.


hopefully nintendo will make a good shooter so that you  stop trolling Sony's games ;)


amirite? XD


no... I made an observation on the general consensus of statements made lately and it made me laugh, funny how you've been banned for the things you try to claim others of doing... which is pretty pathetic and hypocritical.


i 've been banned only twice and once was becasue of your GOW chains review for saying it's not a good review.(which was terrible btw)



show me a qoute for me bashing nintendo/MS games trying to bring them down.I never do that.I don't even participate in them much.


you on the other hand ,,,,,i don't even have to got to the second page of your post history.


anyways whatever makes you happy i guess.


back OT:


KZ2 is nothing like halo3 so comparing them does not make sense.KZ2 is more like COD4,TF22,and soccom (as it's very tactical)