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You know what I love about the VG Chartz community.............we have many die hard Sony/KZ2 fans who intelligently and (unbiasy I might add) have come into this thread and stated that Halo 3 is the better title in multi-player and other aspects, while KZ2 excels in others.

I think KZ2 is an awesome game, and truly a Gem for a FPS on the PS3. I would love to own it. The article is an opinion piece and everyone has there opinion, however the comparison isnt even intelligently written. The piece reads like a flame-bate article written solely to infuriate Halo and 360 fans. Similar to idiotic reviews that give a game of KZ2 caliber 70's just to get hits, or under a fans skin.

Thank you to those who are willing to give an educated opinion based on actual experience playing, vice a "shoot from the hip" response, or worse......being actual paid by a company to print crap written like this article.