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jesus kung fu magic said:
WereKitten said:
jesus kung fu magic said:

Are people seriously in denial? MS had the best looking console game in GOW 2 until KZ2 came out....... if MS can do it once, they can do it again.


Actually, I still think Uncharted has the edge over Gears 1 and 2 both aestethically and technically, it's just less over-the-top. But we hopefully still have years for the X360 to try to claim the crown.


Although liking the aesthetics is purely opinion based , the tech side(with its wide gap)isnt. There is far more going on in gears 2 and it looks better while doing it (on the tech side of course)

Far more going on, true. But looking better? Animations and lightning are on Uncharted's side. Textures are a draw. The unreal engine 3 seems to be at its best with flashy iperrealistic textures and bump mapping. That's why Epic played it safe and chose the style that fit the engine (it's not by chance if it's stylistically almost indistinguishable from UT3)


"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman