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Does it really matter in the end?  The goal of all three consoles is the same, divest you of as much bling bling as they can while reciprocating with something to occupy those dull moments at home.  It continually amazes me at the level of aggression and pig headedness that people display concerning a toy (yes, even the PS3 is a toy) meant to amuse and stimulate.

I personally don't like Sony, and I have no plans to buy a PS3 in the forseable future, yet I'm not going to run around saying ps3 are teh sux!

 No wonder there is so much war and hate in the world, if a group of people who claim a common passion in video games can't even lay off each other for a few minutes!  I mean, common guys (and gals though I suspect they are a little too smart to be involved in this trash), gamers are supposed to be lazy asses, sitting on the couch chilling with your munchies and claiming bragging rights about that last virtual race, not insulting each other (on an online forum no less) and claiming their toy is cooler than everyone elses...