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Thanks for taking the time to write that up.

I'll just say you're correct for most of the technical aspects though some are either incorrect or just inconclusive. The latter not really being your fault but that of incorrectly quoted developers or developers that must ride the nuts of the company they develop for. Many technical aspects are either too debatable or do not provide a clear case for comparison which is why we still have this debate continuing years after the tech specs have been revealed to the public.

Overall, I think the more valid debate is the experience offered by the two (or three as the Wii would then be relevant). Despite what appears to be a technically superior machine, the PS3 hasn't done much to prove that statement correct beyond paper.

While gamers do purchase a system with a 5-6 year mindset (if they bought at launch), they still purchase for the hear and now. Especially as the life cycle draws on. Case in point is that many more gamers purchased the technically inferior PS2 over the GC and Xbox. Though those both had more potential than the PS2, the entertainment experience available to the PS2 made it the superior console overall.

The rEVOLution is not being televised