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Chicago (IL) - A soon-to-be published Swedish report by the Swedish Youth Organization and The Youth Care Foundation has determined that World of Warcraft plays a serious role in gaming addiction, being as addictive as cocaine. They even cite that there is not a single case of gaming addiction where World of Warcraft is not involved.

Sven Rollenhagen of the Youth Care Foundation said, "There is not a single case of game addiction that we have worked with in which World of Warcraft has not played a part."

In November, 2008, it was reported by The Local online site that a boy from Laholm (northern Sweden) was admitted into the hospital after playing World of Warcraft for 20 hours continuously.

Although there is currently no medical diagnosis of the condition, 170 of the 2000 calls received by the Youth Care Foundation related to video games, and it is believed this new report will shed light on the growing trend as World of Warcraft has grown significantly in popularity since that time.
