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Max King of the Wild said:
rocketpig said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
rocketpig said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:


That and they could be sued for false advertisement of "in game" graphics, which what I think seems more likely, where they made a target build on PC which was an ingame engine and then tried their best to put that look on PS3.

Oh, come on. That would be like suing Apple for not using real footage for their in-screen iPod advertisements. Get over it, everyone does it. Silly.


A woman sued McDonalds over a hot pickle burning her lip, people will sue over anything these days, and I wouldn't put it past someone to come up with that idea.


I've never heard of the pickle incident but I'd love to see a link.

As for the McDonald's coffee incident, that's another story and most people don't read enough into it to understand why the jury awarded the woman what they did.


wasnt it because the temperature was higher than it should of been, no caution lable, and the employee put the lid on wrong making it neglegent

Actually, it was because McDonald's had been sued several times previous to that for causing serious injury to people (they were serving their coffee at 140 degrees Farenheit or something obnoxious like that) and the jury decided to make McDonald's pay in an attempt to make them change their methodology.

While that single case seems ridiculous, once you read into it the point becomes quite clear.


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