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BenKenobi88 said:
I watched The Machinist tonight. Very good. Christian Bale was incredible in this movie.

I caught onto the whole schizophrenia from the first I thought "not that old twist again"...but the ending was great, definitely all came together at the end of the movie perfectly. It was much closer to a happy ending than I thought the movie would ever reach...I liked it a lot, even if it kind of dragged in the middle.

ahhh, the machinist, awesome, i had forgotten about that one. very creepy, i couldn't beleive what lengths christian bale went to, that kind of dedication to a role is nearly unheard of these days. he got all the way down to 98 pounds, amazing. he literally looked like the walking dead, no special effects, no makeup tricks, they even kept medics on hand, just in case.

since you liked the machinist, you should check out the jacket, with adrian brody, it's in the exact same vein, same mood and everything.

and primer was another good one, excellent, especially for an indie film.

btw, if you like indies, YOU MUST see "my big fat independent movie" it's definitely the best parody film of this generation.

Pan's Labyrinth was also spectacular, i love how they didn't try to explain away the magic, and just let you wonder about it. very rare in today's cinema.

Children of Men pissed me off though................... it wasn't on blu-ray =p  but it was a good film anyways =()

@super_etecoon, be VERY careful with the black dahlia, there was a total peice of crap the went straight to dvd the same week that the real movie came out. it was filmed with a camcorder, it sucked hard, beware!!! make sure you get the right movie.

if you guys liked fear and loathing, don't forget to check out hunter s thompson's books, he writes exactly the way depp talks to himself in the movie, after i saw it, i tracked down and read every word he ever put to paper. definitely a good use of time.