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I've heard multiple arguments between these two franchises and I was wondering what VGC's opinion was. Would you consider these two similiar? Or are they completely different? Can you even compare the two? Which had better games, television series, toys, etc in your opinion?

I remember when Pokémon came out and I fell in love. Pokémon Red was my first handheld video game and probably one of my favorite ones. I played the TGC (I still do on occasion! :]), I collected the figurines, toys, etc. I even imported some of the japanese toys. xD


I remeber when Digimon came out and I watched a few episodes. I didn't like it that much. It honestly felt like a Pokémon clone. And the fact that the monsters or whatever they were could speak English sorta bothered me. Idk. I heard the games and TCG were awful. But yeah. I didn't explore it too much because it didn't pull me in at all.


What's your opinion?