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goddog said:
@ hus

well if you do want to bring up awful hardware quality, thats the ps2, i had 4 of them, 3 covered by warranty, the first one was not.

the original xbox, 2, my brother knocked over a burning wax candle onto the first one.

nes 1, at the end of the nes’s life i had to cram shit in it to keep the cartridge down

snes 2 , first one just stopped working, second one takes a few on offs to get working

ps1 2 , driver burned out while playing FF VII

n64 1, no problems ever

360 1, though i may take the first one in and change it out for the new model with the no questions asked warranty i have

so id say yea, sony has had crappy hardware, i played far more on my xbox than ps2, but the ps2s died every year hence me only owning 6 games for it ever, vs 29 for the xbox, original ps i had round 24

 That may be your experience, but I never had a problem with my launch PS2.  Didn't have any issues with any of the consoles I've owned.  Like the Atari 2600 & 5200, NES, SNES, PS1, xbox.  The only one I've had an issue with is when last month my 360 RRoD on me.   You may have had bad luck, or you were a bit hard on them.   Anyways, I can't say a bad thing about the Sony systems in my experience as they have worked well from day 1.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.